“God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.”
J.M. Barrie
Have you ever seen pictures of human-built Fairy Gardens?
They are truly beautiful, from the simple, small one, to the big and elaborate ones, with castles and waterfalls. I too intend to build one, in a quiet spot of my garden.
You can visit wonderful galleries at:
This one looks like a fairy tale door. (c) its owner.
Personally, though the little cottages and castles are very pretty, they're a bit expensive. I think you can build a beautiful fairy garden without spending so much money, with materials and objects you can find at home or in plant nurseries.
Just google "Fairy Garden" and you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about.
I'll post my pictures when I build my garden, I can't wait.
For now, I have the one you see below. I love her.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
venerdì 25 giugno 2010
lunedì 21 giugno 2010
Summer Solstice
First of all, happy Summer Solstice to everybody! This is the perfect day to collect herbs, decorate your house with flowers and ribbons and bake delicious cookies. I truly love the fragrance of Lavender, Rosemary, Mint and Sage.
Here, a cookies recipe I found and edited:
Also, I prepared a Mint drink:
Boil some water and, when it's hot and boiling, put Mint leaves, Sage leaves and Peppermint in a tea infuser. Then, pour it into a big glass (I used a huge beer glass) or in a bottle and put it in the fridge.
Don't forget to share them with the Good Folk and, perhaps, your loved ones!
This is also the day in which Faeries dance and celebrate the coming of Summer, so it's a great idea to read old myths and fairy tales, maybe listening to good Celtic music.
Midsummer's Night Eve by Edward Robert Hughes
A beautiful song that goes on well with today's celebrations:
Here, a cookies recipe I found and edited:
Lemon and Mint cookies:
1 cup Butter
1 cup Sugar
2 large Eggs
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups Flour
2 teaspoons Baking powder
1/4 teaspoon Salt
some juice of a Lemon, chopped Mint leaves and some grated Lemon peel
Cream the butter and 1-3/4 cups sugar. Add the eggs and vanilla. Beat well. Combine the flour, baking powder, salt, and herbs. Add to the creamed mixture and mix. Drop dough by teaspoonfuls, 3 inches apart, on a greased cookie sheet. Flatten slightly with a fork or cup bottom. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes or until barely browned. Cool slightly, then remove to a rack.
Also, I prepared a Mint drink:
Boil some water and, when it's hot and boiling, put Mint leaves, Sage leaves and Peppermint in a tea infuser. Then, pour it into a big glass (I used a huge beer glass) or in a bottle and put it in the fridge.
Don't forget to share them with the Good Folk and, perhaps, your loved ones!
This is also the day in which Faeries dance and celebrate the coming of Summer, so it's a great idea to read old myths and fairy tales, maybe listening to good Celtic music.
Midsummer's Night Eve by Edward Robert Hughes
A beautiful song that goes on well with today's celebrations:
domenica 20 giugno 2010
Frau Holle - German and English version
I love brother Grimm's fairy tales, especially for being so scary. Here's one of my favourite, Frau Holle. Of course, the German version is the best, but I'll post an English one too, for it's more accessible to everybody.
Eine Witwe hatte zwei Töchter, davon war die eine schön und fleißig, die andere häßlich und faul. Sie hatte aber die häßliche und faule, weil sie ihre rechte Tochter war, viel lieber, und die andere mußte alle Arbeit tun und der Aschenputtel im Hause sein. Das arme Mädchen mußte sich täglich auf die große Straße bei einem Brunnen setzen und mußte so viel spinnen, daß ihm das Blut aus den Fingern sprang. Nun trug es sich zu, daß die Spule einmal ganz blutig war, da bückte es sich damit in den Brunnen und wollte sie abwaschen; sie sprang ihm aber aus der Hand und fiel hinab
.A widow had two daughters; one was pretty and industrious, the other was ugly and lazy. And as the ugly one was her own daughter, she loved her much the best, and the pretty one was made to do all the work, and be the drudge of the house. Every day the poor girl had to sit by a well on the high road and spin until her fingers bled. Now it happened once that as the spindle was bloody, she dipped it into the well to wash it; but it slipped out of her hand and fell in.
Es weinte, lief zur Stiefmutter und erzählte ihr das Unglück. Sie schalt es aber so heftig und war so unbarmherzig, daß sie sprach: “Hast du die Spule hinunterfallen lassen, so hol sie auch wieder herauf.” Da ging das Mädchen zu dem Brunnen zurück und wußte nicht, was es anfangen sollte; und in seiner Herzensangst sprang es in den Brunnen hinein, um die Spule zu holen. Es verlor die Besinnung, und als es erwachte und wieder zu sich selber kam, war es auf einer schönen Wiese, wo die Sonne schien und vieltausend Blumen standen. Auf dieser Wiese ging es fort und kam zu einem Backofen, der war voller Brot; das Brot aber rief: “Ach, zieh mich raus, zieh mich raus, sonst verbrenn ich: ich bin schon längst ausgebacken.” Da trat es herzu und holte mit dem Brotschieber alles nacheinander heraus. Danach ging es weiter und kam zu einem Baum, der hing voll Äpfel, und rief ihm zu: “Ach, schüttel mich, schüttel mich, wir Äpfel sind alle miteinander reif.” Da schüttelte es den Baum, daß die Äpfel fielen, als regneten sie, und schüttelte, bis keiner mehr oben war; und als es alle in einen Haufen zusammengelegt hatte, ging es wieder weiter.
Then she began to cry, and ran to her step-mother, and told her of her misfortune; and her stepmother scolded her without mercy, and said in her rage: “As you have let the spindle fall in, you must go and fetch it out again!” Then the girl went back again to the well, not knowing what to do, and in the despair of her heart she jumped down into the well the same way the spindle had gone. After that she knew nothing; and when she came to herself she was in a beautiful meadow, and the sun was shining on the flowers that grew round her. And she walked on through the meadow until she came to a baker's oven that was full of bread; and the bread called out to her: “Oh, take me out, take me out, or I shall burn; I am baked enough already!” Then she drew near, and with the baker's peel she took out all the loaves one after the other. And she went farther on till she came to a tree weighed down with apples, and it called out to her: “Oh, shake me, shake me, we apples are all of us ripe!” Then she shook the tree until the apples fell like rain, and she shook until there were no more to fall; and when she had gathered them together in a heap, she went on farther.
Endlich kam es zu einem kleinen Haus, daraus guckte eine alte Frau, weil sie aber so große Zähne hatte, ward ihm angst, und es wollte fortlaufen. Die alte Frau aber rief ihm nach: “Was fürchtest du dich, liebes Kind? Bleib bei mir, wenn du alle Arbeit im Hause ordentlich tun willst, so soll dir’s gut gehn. Du mußt nur achtgeben, daß du mein Bett gut machst und es fleißig aufschüttelst, daß die Federn fliegen, dann schneit es in der Welt; ich bin die Frau Holle.” Weil die Alte ihm so gut zusprach, so faßte sich das Mädchen ein Herz, willigte ein und begab sich in ihren Dienst. Es besorgte auch alles nach ihrer Zufriedenheit und schüttelte ihr das Bett immer gewaltig, auf daß die Federn wie Schneeflocken umherflogen; dafür hatte es auch ein gut Leben bei ihr, kein böses Wort und alle Tage Gesottenes und Gebratenes. Nun war es eine Zeitlang bei der Frau Holle, da ward es traurig und wußte anfangs selbst nicht, was ihm fehlte, endlich merkte es, daß es Heimweh war; ob es ihm hier gleich vieltausendmal besser ging als zu Haus, so hatte es doch ein Verlangen dahin.
At last she came to a little house, and an old woman was peeping out of it, but she had such great teeth that the girl was terrified and about to run away, only the old woman called her back. “What are you afraid of, my dear child? Come and live with me, and if you do the house-work well and orderly, things shall go well with you. You must take great pains to make my bed well, and shake it up thoroughly, so that the feathers fly about, and then in the world it snows, for I am Mother Hulda.” As the old woman spoke so kindly, the girl took courage, consented, and went to her work. She did everything to the old woman's satisfaction, and shook the bed with such a will that the feathers flew about like snow-flakes : and so she led a good life, had never a cross word, but boiled and roast meat every day.
ndlich sagte es zu ihr: “Ich habe den Jammer nach Haus gekriegt, und wenn es mir auch noch so gut hier unten geht, so kann ich doch nicht länger bleiben, ich muß wieder hinauf zu den Meinigen.” Die Frau Holle sagte: “Es gefällt mir, daß du wieder nach Haus verlangst, und weil du mir so treu gedient hast, so will ich dich selbst wieder hinaufbringen.” Sie nahm es darauf bei der Hand und führte es vor ein großes Tor. Das Tor ward aufgetan, und wie das Mädchen gerade darunter stand, fiel ein gewaltiger Goldregen, und alles Gold blieb an ihm hängen, so daß es über und über davon bedeckt war. “Das sollst du haben, weil du so fleißig gewesen bist,” sprach die Frau Holle und gab ihm auch die Spule wieder, die ihm in den Brunnen gefallen war. Darauf ward das Tor verschlossen, und das Mädchen befand sich oben auf der Welt, nicht weit von seiner Mutter Haus; und als es in den Hof kam, saß der Hahn auf dem Brunnen und rief:
“Kikeriki,Da ging es hinein zu seiner Mutter, und weil es so mit Gold bedeckt ankam, ward es von ihr und der Schwester gut aufgenommen.
Unsere goldene Jungfrau ist wieder hie.”
When she had lived a long time with Mother Hulda, she began to feel sad, not knowing herself what ailed her; at last she began to think she must be home-sick; and although she was a thousand times better off than at home where she was, yet she had a great longing to go home. At last she said to her mistress: “I am homesick, and although I am very well off here, I cannot stay any longer; I must go back to my own home.” Mother Hulda answered: “It pleases me well that you should wish to go home, and, as you have served me faithfully, I will undertake to send you there!” She took her by the hand and led her to a large door standing open, and as she was passing through it there fell upon her a heavy shower of gold, and the gold hung all about her, so that she was covered with it. “All this is yours, because you have been so industrious,” said Mother Hulda; and, besides that, she returned to her her spindle, the very same that she had dropped in the well. And then the door was shut again, and the girl found herself back again in the world, not far from her mother's house; and as she passed through the yard the cock stood on the top of the well and cried:
"Cock-a-doodle doo! Our golden girl has come home too!" Then she went in to her mother, and as she had returned covered with gold she was well received.
Das Mädchen erzählte alles, was ihm begegnet war, und als die Mutter hörte, wie es zu dem großen Reichtum gekommen war, wollte sie der andern, häßlichen und faulen Tochter gerne dasselbe Glück verschaffen. Sie mußte sich an den Brunnen setzen und spinnen; und damit ihre Spule blutig ward, stach sie sich in die Finger und stieß sich die Hand in die Dornhecke. Dann warf sie die Spule in den Brunnen und sprang selber hinein. Sie kam, wie die andere, auf die schöne Wiese und ging auf demselben Pfade weiter. Als sie zu dem Backofen gelangte, schrie das Brot wieder: “Ach, zieh mich raus, zieh mich raus, sonst verbrenn ich, ich bin schon längst ausgebacken.” Die Faule aber antwortete: “Da hätt ich Lust, mich schmutzig zu machen,” und ging fort. Bald kam sie zu dem Apfelbaum, der rief: “Ach, schüttel mich, schüttel mich, wir Äpfel sind alle miteinander reif.” Sie antwortete aber: “Du kommst mir recht, es könnte mir einer auf den Kopf fallen,” und ging damit weiter. Als sie vor der Frau Holle Haus kam, fürchtete sie sich nicht, weil sie von ihren großen Zähnen schon gehört hatte, und verdingte sich gleich zu ihr. Am ersten Tag tat sie sich Gewalt an, war fleißig und folgte der Frau Holle, wenn sie ihr etwas sagte, denn sie dachte an das viele Gold, das sie ihr schenken würde; am zweiten Tag aber fing sie schon an zu faulenzen, am dritten noch mehr, da wollte sie morgens gar nicht aufstehen. Sie machte auch der Frau Holle das Bett nicht, wie sich’s gebührte, und schüttelte es nicht, daß die Federn aufflogen. Das ward die Frau Holle bald müde und sagte ihr den Dienst auf. Die Faule war das wohl zufrieden und meinte, nun würde der Goldregen kommen; die Frau Holle führte sie auch zu dem Tor, als sie aber darunterstand, ward statt des Goldes ein großer Kessel voll Pech ausgeschüttet. “Das ist zur Belohnung deiner Dienste,” sagte die Frau Holle und schloß das Tor zu. Da kam die Faule heim, aber sie war ganz mit Pech bedeckt, und der Hahn auf dem Brunnen, als er sie sah, rief:
“Kikeriki,Das Pech aber blieb fest an ihr hängen und wollte, solange sie lebte, nicht abgehen.
Unsere schmutzige Jungfrau ist wieder hie.”
So the girl related all her history, and what had happened to her, and when the mother heard how she came to have such great riches she began to wish that her ugly and idle daughter might have the same good fortune. So she sent her to sit by the well and spin; and in order to make her spindle bloody she put her hand into the thorn hedge. Then she threw the spindle into the well, and jumped in herself. She found herself, like her sister, in the beautiful meadow, and followed the same path, and when she came to the baker's oven, the bread cried out: “Oh, take me out, take me out, or I shall burn; I am quite done already!” But the lazy-bones answered: “I have no desire to black my hands,” and went on farther. Soon she came to the apple-tree, who called out: “Oh, shake me, shake me, we apples are all of us ripe!” But she answered: “That is all very fine; suppose one of you should fall on my head,” and went on farther. When she came to Mother Hulda’s house she did not feel afraid, as she knew beforehand of her great teeth, and entered into her service at once. The first day she put her hand well to the work, and was industrious, and did everything Mother Hulda bade her, because of the gold she expected; but the second day she began to be idle, and the third day still more so, so that she would not get up in the morning. Neither did she make Mother Hulda’s bed as it ought to have been made, and did not shake it for the feathers to fly about. So that Mother Hulda soon grew tired of her, and gave her warning, at which the lazy thing was well pleased, and thought that now the shower of gold was coming; so Mother Hulda led her to the door, and as she stood in the doorway, instead of the shower of gold a great kettle full of pitch was emptied over her. “That is the reward for your service,” said Mother Hulda, and shut the door. So the lazy girl came home all covered with pitch, and the cock on the top of the well seeing her, cried:
"Cock-a-doodle doo! Our dirty girl has come home too!" And the pitch remained sticking to her fast, and never, as long as she lived, could it be got off.
Sources: http://www.grimmstories.com/de/grimm_maerchen/frau_holle
sabato 19 giugno 2010
The Prestige
Just finished to watch my favourite film. It nearly brought me to tears, and this is rare, for I don't usually cry while watching a movie.
I love Tesla's character, his innovative use of science, the thought science=magic, though the multiplying machine is the less believable element of the movie.
I love Borden's character, his devotion to his art, his intelligence and his being superior to his rival. Really really appreciated that particular effect, through which he appeared a bipolar man, while there were two of him. Plus, he's Christian Bale.
Disliked Angier, he always came second and was the worst actor in the plan of revenge. He really did horrible things and seemed the most unprepared of the two and the most shaken, he definately looked weak to me.
Loved Mr. Cutter too, especially near the end.
I'm sure I can consider this my favourite film, it had me literally glued to the screen!
giovedì 17 giugno 2010
mercoledì 16 giugno 2010
Starting a new blog always wakes the same emotions, everytime.
This page has born for giving me a space where I could truly express myself and my interests,
maybe sharing them with others. I hope you and I enjoy this experience and that we could both close the page somewhat enriched by its contents. So, if you are reading this, please note that all you need is an open mind and a spirit to appreciate the little,wonderful things in life and the marvelous essence of Nature, that gave birth to us.
Just for the sake of ranting, the image you see on your left is an example of what I do when bored and inspired. Love persian cats.
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